Saturday, January 07, 2006

New Year's Dinner

We had a great New Year's dinner at U.S. Sushi in High Point. Check out the pics.

Sunday, January 01, 2006

Happy New Year!

2006 is here and, as always, it is bittersweet to look back at the year we are leaving behind. As most of you know, I don't like endings. But this year there was less of the melancholy. I am excited about the possibilities of the new year. Henry and I are working towards getting our house in order: painting, new wood floors, finishing the basement, thinking about adding a room and bath in the attic. All in anticipation of having a baby this year, or at least getting impregneto this year. We can't wait to have a little squirmy worm in the house.

We are both happy at our jobs. So this year will be one of growth and happiness in our work lives which is so important. And Henry's writing is going to continue being a priority for us. This will be the year he finds the right agent and he sells his first million books. Can't wait for that. Gah.

And I like getting older. It feels good to have another year's experience under my belt. I like looking in the mirror and seeing my one gray hair getting longer. I appreciate the time I've been given here on this earth and am content with my life in this moment, and am open to what is ahead.

I'm letting go of some of my disdain for endings because I'm realizing there are no real endings in life. Just more experiences that shape you as a person. The good and the bad are the same thing.