Friday, March 03, 2006

Still Here

It has been so long since I've posted I forgot both my username and password to my account. Took some noodling but I'm back online.

As some of you know, and the others I apologize to now for you finding out in this impersonal way, Henry and I made good on the New Year's resolution thing and we are pregnant. About 8 weeks along now. I know, it is risky to talk about it publicly while things are still so new. "Don't want to jinx it!" But really, I feel like what is going to happen is going to happen. And me blogging about it has no influence.

I've been really sick for a few weeks now. The kind of hopeless, desperate sick that makes you think there is no way I can or want to go through this for another 4-6 weeks. It's like I'm on that Marine Biology field trip all over again where the entire class went out on a boat in the middle of the Atlantic, with the last land sighted 2 hours back, and running into that major storm that sent puke from dozens of people, mixing and sloshing all over the deck. It's the kind of sick that you want to be unconscious for.

And I am for a lot of the day and night. I sleep. A lot. So much so that the back of my head formed this enormous hair knot that threatened to overtake my entire head of hair. But I really didn't care very much. I would just ball it up and shove it under the straight pieces on top and put it in a big clip.

Henry says I am in my Bag Lady phase. I have no energy to care what I am clothing myself with. As long as it fits. And I only have one pair of pants that fit anymore. One day he even suggested I wear his jeans to work. Please note, he is 6'2" or so and I am 5'4". But I put them on. The waist fit, thank goodness, but the legs were not even close. I didn't care on an aesthetic level, but I thought I might trip and fall on my tummy and hurt the baby. So I decided to wear my one good pair of pants. Again.

I wonder if what they say is true...that one day I'll just wake up and feel better. Right now, I'm kind of doubting it. I asked a friend of mine who was also sick during her first pregnancy why she decided to do it again for baby number 2. "You honestly just forget how shitty it is." I can't imagine forgetting. But women say they even forget the pain involved with labor and delivery. That must be why Nature shrinks womens' brains by 3-4% during pregnancy. So we'll forget all the awful stuff and focus on the new shiny beautiful baby in front of us after we finally give birth. It's an ingeniously evil plan.


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